Proverbs 4:5-7
Proverbs 4:5-7 Creation Not for profit easy to read without advertising Evolution christian jegou / science
How can an evolutionary beginning of many species be explained with very few fossils showing the transitions ?
Stephen Jay Gould palaeontologist, evolutionary biologist & historian of science. He noted that :-
"Darwin's argument that the fossil record is imperfect persists as the favoured escape of most palaeontologists from the embarrassment of a record that seems to show so little of evolution directly.
But in the last few decades, this excuse has lost credibility."
"The Cambrian Explosion was the rapid emergence of fossils in the primordial strata discovered by William Buckland in the 1840s.
The Missing Links. Few fossilized remains are found of those making the transitional process.
This explosion of life is unexplained and is still the subject of scientific speculation". ​
Charles Darwin stated:-
"This is one of the main objections that could be made AGAINST my own theory."
God said, 'Let the EARTH' bring forth living creatures 'after their kind'...meaning...
...cats can not turn into can not turn into dolphins...etc
Great apes turned into homo erectus. Homo erectus turned into Homo sapiens (us)...Homo sapiens in Latin means “wise man”.
"Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees
Although mankind does share a common ancestor with chimpanzees they did form from two separate lineages.
The separation occurred over 6 million years ago & although they are in the same family classification humans did not evolved from monkeys".
Even if humans had 100% of the same genes as monkeys that would not mean humans would turn out the same for two reasons.
There are those that can prove, where DNA dating has been linked to carbon dating, that may have some flaws in some types of matter however ancient Aboriginal stories regarding star patterns called 'star maps' were used to memorise 'waypoints' along a route of travel.
Today some of those stars recorded in ancient Aboriginal art works of star maps can no longer be seen.
Indigenous Art Awards 2019 - Museum & Art Gallery of the NT,
Darwin, NT, Australia.03
Artwork © H. Douglas Pratt. flickr
There are 13 species of finches on the Galapagos Islands.
All of them evolved from one ancestral species.
1. At a critical point of humanoid (great ape's) evolution an intervention could have taken place, that in all likelihood did happen, by a highly evolved life form that resulted in a major split causing the intellectual differences that we see today in humans but not in other humanoids, great apes / primates.
2. An architect specifies to use bricks, cement, wood, steel & glass to design various types of totally different buildings.
A house in France made of cement, steel, glass & wood is not related to a sky scrapper in the USA made of exactly the same materials & designed by different architects.
Just because The Architect of Life used the same building blocks that does not always mean different animals with the same type of DNA are related, they just appear to be.
Humans are said to share over 50% of the same genes as a banana but men & bananas were never related & even if they were the question must be asked why did not other types of bananas & other types of primates not evolve a higher intelligence like humans have ?
Creationists say the entire world started around 6,000 years ago.
They discredit the science of carbon dating by proving it flawed because of a number of reasons all of which in all likelihood could be true in some matter but their 6,000 year old Earth is rendered incorrect when one considers that Australian Aboriginal history goes back at the very least 40,000 years to their arrival in Australia.
"In 2016 the University of Cambridge confirmed, via DNA, a human exodus out of Africa that has shown Aboriginal Australians are the world's oldest civilization.
The newly published paper is the first extensive DNA study of Aboriginal Australians, according to the University of Cambridge. 23 Sept 2016
Studying his DNA, the researchers found that the ancestors of Australian Aboriginals had split from the first modern human populations to leave Africa, 64,000 to 75,000 years ago".
The findings are also detailed in the Australian Geographic.
Important to note : 10,000 years ago the Aboriginal population exploded. This coincides with the University of Califonia's findings that about 10,000 years ago there was "an abundance of recent adaptive mutations etched in the entire human genome".
Aboriginal folklore tells of the time when all the men fell asleep. Upon waking and for years after women were said to be in control. Some believe this was when God made Eve from Adam's rib.
Because scientists have a constant proven unchanging measure as a light year calculations prove exactly when the light from a dead star stopped arriving in the night sky.
Proving how old the star map was & as such confirming aboriginals & their waypoints are certainly far older than the 6, 000 years creationists say is the earth's age.
A Guide to Aboriginal Astronomy Australian Geographic July 13, 2017
Animals can & do modify to enable survival, that is plain to see, with changes coming about mainly because of the environment or competitive reasons as seen in the finches of the Galapagos Islands, as just one example; with a variety of beaks & tongues for obtaining different types of food each time after the increase in their numbers required some to seek new food sources & a new way of getting to it.
In order for an animal to take action a thought is needed.
Thoughts exist in the brain first as a chemical that stimulates neurons.
The human brain has around a 100 billion neurons. Neurons can emit electro - chemical signals.
​"Neurons have the amazing ability to gather and transmit electro-chemical signals.
They have the same characteristics and have the same makeup as other cells but the electro chemical aspect lets them transmit signals over long distances up to several feet & send messages to each other.
The electro - chemical signal enables them to not only send information to each other but those signals are emitted some distance away.
The electrical signals give off radiation that radiates into an etheric realm connected to the astral plane...a realm that surrounds everything".​
Can these electrical signals radiating account for increasing rapid evolution ?​
We have millions of fossilized dinosaurs & millions of fossilized birds but very few fossilized remains of those making the transition. The same is true of many species.
It is important to understand why there is a lack of fossilised remains even in hard boned earth living creatures.
Source: McGill University...​ "Evolution is usually thought to be a slow process, something that happens over generations, thanks to adaptive mutations.
But environmental change is happening very fast.
According to a biology professor, the question arises...Can evolution happen quickly enough to help a species survive ? The answer, according to professor, Andrew Gonzalez resulting from his most recent study, is a resounding yes."
​What is the process at work that allows a rapid transition of a biology that often takes millions of years taking only a few hundred years or less ?
Apart from the obvious transitions caused by the availability of food, sexual competitiveness & changes to the environment; how much of a part do desires play in evolution, especially in humans ?
With the information on what has so far been presented would you agree that it is probable, for instance, an earlier form of a giraffe developed longer legs & necks because of not only its struggle for food but 'desires' that sped up the evolution causing a lack of transitional fossils ?
"Keeping in mind that although there has been fossilised remains of a short necked species of giraffe they were not a direct ancestor of the giraffe. It's near the direct ancestor, Solounias said. But the direct ancestor has not been found yet."
​There is now evidence that the long necks may have developed because of rivalry between males fighting for the right to mate with females by slamming their heads into the neck of the rival. The longer necked male usually being the winner & as such the longer neck gene gets passed on.
But now we are confronted with a different hypothesis. The longer the neck the easier it is to control body temperatures by allowing more heat to escape with a greater surface area.
Then of course there is the obvious reason... with a longer neck hard to reach tree foliage is easier to get.
Three physical reasons why an animal might need a longer neck but still a direct linking ancestor has not been found but many fossilised remains are easy to find long before & after the transition.
It seems that when there are strong desires changes can transfer into the genes of not just one or two of the offspring but the entire group in a relatively short period of time because of the transference of thoughts generated by desires that permeates the psyche of the group via the electrical signals that radiates into the etheric / astral plane that have an even more profound effect onto the next generation than does the physical reasons for change to take place.
This could be an additional explanation as to why & how species can change so quickly & why there is a lack of transitional fossils.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
Collin Wilson in his book 'The Occult' coined the expression for this so far unexplained type of phenomenon as Faculty X. Collin Wilson stated...
"Emotions, ideas, desires and language are in fact what causes changes to take place.
​The direction of life, regardless of size or how complex, is one of a spiritual force".
It has been said the universe & everything in it exists because of the collective thoughts for the love of experiencing life.
Everything in the universe is a vibration of energy vibrating at different frequencies.
Proving that we all have Extra Sensory Perception is a hard thing to do despite the fact most all of us have experienced events that are beyond chance especially when they occur many times throughout most people's lives.
" One of the strangest aspects of quantum physics discovered in 2013 is entanglement. "
"Scientists have observed this phenomenon in tiny objects such as atoms and electrons. But in two new studies, researchers report seeing entanglement in devices nearly visible to the naked eye.
For a long time, physicists thought that quantum particles could only entangle in pairs. Then a couple of years ago, new experiments brought the realisation that entanglement could involve multiple particles."
"Faculty X is composed of thoughts, desires, emotions and is a key component of evolution responsible for inspirational invention, group and individual subconscious processing.
It is the essential ingredient for the very creation of every form of life".
Superposition is the notion that an unobserved system exists in multiple states until directly observed, at which point the resulting waveform collapses into certainty.
As previously pointed out... before actions take place they are first enacted in the mind as thoughts, ideas, emotions or desires.
These thoughts give all actions an etheric beginning where, if in the realm of The Holy Spirit & in accordance to God's creation or evolutionary plan the etheric beginnings, can & often do manifests as physical reality.
God's creations & evolutionary design changes, many generated by physical organisms, may only take a short time to perfect in the etheric realm with the physical evolutionary changes taking, in some, hundreds of years to come about instead of thousands of years.
Changes that take place over a long time are often Evolutionary.
Changes that take place over a short time are often Creationism.
Changes that place in an instant are often miracles.
Consider this account :
There was young man who was not only very wise for his age he showed a great deal of empathy for others. It came as a great surprise when he confessed his hatred of the Japanese. He said. "I don't know why but when I see their eyes it's all I can do to stop myself from attacking them."
Later his father revealed he was one of the first captured by the Japanese at the start of ww2. He was imprisoned & tortured for 3 years in Borneo. He never spoke of this to his son.
These types of transferences have been noted, over the ages, where thoughts or emotions of the father & or mother have reflected in their children; that shows change taking place in the next generation & not taking hundreds of generations.
It also dispels the theory that we are born without prejudice.
"Albert Einstein's work in part led to the prediction of quantum entanglement.
If you observe a particle in one place, another particle - even one light - years away - will instantly change its properties, as if the two are connected by a mysterious communication channel".
What of Future Evolution for Mankind. Are we still evolving ?
According to most scientific reports the answer is yes.
However evolution is not the same as ‘survival of the fittest’ or ‘natural selection’ today as it was for Stone Age men.
As a species, humans have populated every corner of the earth.
We have developed technologies & cultures which shape the world we live.
In many countries cities have extended underground...
...La Ville Souterraine in France, is the largest underground city network in the world covering 32 km
Turkey has 36 underground cities extending 85 meters in depth.
With the technologies that have been developed one has to wonder if the once obvious causes of ‘natural selection’ or as some call it ‘survival of the fittest’ even applies to humans anymore ?
With the relatively recent advancements in gene technology one has to also wonder will mankind create his own evolutionary changes by gene manipulation & if so will we end up looking like our perception of what aliens look like ?
Up until now we can see that natural changes have been taking place that do suggest we will take on the appearance as depicted in the movie E. T.
Our lower jaw has been shrinking. We all have an overbite. Many do not get wisdom teeth anymore & many people are born with cross over front teeth due to the shrinking jaw.
As the frontal lobes get
bigger the jaw shrinks.
Most anthropologists say the reason for the jaw shrinking is because we do less chewing of our foods than our ancestors did.
That seems to be a good reason & probably does have some influence but there are those that postulate the theory that the reason is more due to the need to increase frontal lobe activity.
A larger frontal lobe activity allows for, among other things, greater expression of language & for making executive decisions requiring planning.
This theory is also supported by the fact that schizophrenia is increasing. One of the main reasons for schizophrenia is an increasing activity in the frontal lobes.
This increasing activity has been demanding the brain to grow larger frontal lobes. However with a larger forehead the extra weight would cause the head to bend forward as such compensation is being achieved by a smaller jaw & a larger skull bone at the back next to develop enabling balance to be maintained without causing fatigue of the neck.
As our attention, for the past 500 years, has seen mankind having to focus on things close to the face like reading & writing the need for a change in the eye size & positioning has been occurring.
Couple this fact with the fact we do not have to sniff the air to locate our food & be aware of the smell of dangerous animals our noses have been getting smaller & with less need to go outside our skin colour is likely to change.
Therefore with a larger front & rear skull, smaller nose & mouth along with larger eyes it seems we are going to become like E. T.
Or are we ?
Actually evolution is not the same as natural selection. The process of natural selection is often much quicker than evolution.
Here are a couple of examples.
Natural selection occurs when say a virus impacts the society. Those that do not die but just get sick & those that are asymptomatic build up anti bodies for which get passed onto their offspring. Survival of the fittest.
At one stage people in the entire world were lactose intolerant.
After farming the land saw an end to hunting & gathering for food farmers & their families took to drinking cow’s milk during times of crop failure.
Those who consumed dairy with only mild adverse symptoms not only lived longer, compared to those who had severe symptoms, they had more children that were not lactose intolerant at all. Nowadays lactose intolerance is rare in first world countries. Survival of the fittest.
Lack of bodily hair came about mainly because of wearing cloths but may also be associated with a warmer climate. The lack of hair had nothing to do with survival of the fittest & is still on going as many men still have very hairy bodies. Long - time evolution at work.
The change of skin colour has nothing to do with the survival of the fittest & more to do with people living in colder climates. Long - time evolution at work.
Today we see in many areas where there are changes due to cultural evolution. The reason for Danish people getting taller has little to do with food but more to do with females liking taller men. Likewise with many Chinees men not having facial hair any more.
Now we can see, with the emergence of genetic engineering, cultural evolutionary changes that will doubtless result in parents wanting good looking offspring in accordance with what is fashionable at the time & as such it is doubtful parents will want their children looking like an alien.
That, along with artificial intelligence (A.I.) & intelligence enhancing electronic implants, there will no longer be a need for the frontal lobe expansion.
As a result mankind will become responsible for not only his physical body's evolution via genetic modification but his mental evolution via his interactions with external Ai & internal technical implants.
Alien1979 film